Our Fall Conference Will Now Be

Mirren AI & Tech Summit

Putting AI & New Tech to Work at Your Agency

30+ innovators outline how to put AI to work at your agency – focusing on strategic development, creative development, day-to-day client management, and back-end operations.

Registration Opens Mid-July

Mirren CEO SUMMIT 2023

Small & Mid-Size Agency Growth
November 7 - 8      //      New York
New Agency Growth Strategies
Exclusively for the Small & Mid-Size Agency C-Suite
Damn, running an agency keeps getting crazier. From near-impossible client demands against shrinking budgets – to fickle talent, tight resources, and winning new business – navigating Everest might be easier.

And yet, it remains one of the most exciting industries on the planet. Join us in New York for an exclusive gathering of agency leaders as we address the future of the industry. Seating is limited.

Join an Exclusive Group of
Agency C-Suite in New York

Over the course of 2 jam-packed days, 35 industry innovators in 20 sessions will share how they're inventing new revenue channels, streamlining their operations, and generating growth – with only the resources of a smaller operation.

You'll leave completely reinvigorated and ready to take on 2024!

Join us in New York
As We Tackle the Future of the Business

Mirren Conference Attendees Have Included

  • This is so important for the industry – as we all work to keep uncovering more growth opportunities!
    Tracy Wong
    Co-Founder, WONGDOODY
  • Mirren CEO Summit is a rare place where agencies collaborate openly and share solutions – and after the event you leave with incredible new connections!
    Nick Paul
    Founder & President, OKRP
  • To have conversations in a forum that is high-minded and visionary like Mirren is such a great opportunity!
    Matt Jarvis
    Chairman , 72andSunny
  • We all get caught up in our own agencies. Coming to Mirren is a breath of fresh air, full of fresh new thinking to keep innovating and getting better!
    Nikita Malhotra
    CFO & COO, Giant Spoon
  • We always get big take-aways from Mirren. Always new ways to keep our agency keep growing!
    Sharon Napier
    Founder, Partners + Napier

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